The Low-Down on Low-T

Know the signs of Low-T so you can get treatment to get you feeling back to your normal self.

Are you feeling fatigued? Has your sex drive diminished? Low Testosterone might just be the reason for your sluggish mood. 

Testosterone plays a vital role in your overall health, and is essential for reproductive and sexual health as well as maintaining and developing muscle mass, positive mental health, and more! Hypogonadism (Low-T) is a failure of the gonads or testes in men to function properly, which results in a decrease in the production of testosterone.

One in four men over 30 years old experience low testosterone levels. Most men think this is unavoidable as they age and that there is nothing they can do about it. In reality, there are treatment options to get you feeling better and back to your normal life. Low-T gets worse as you age, which is why it’s best to find treatment as soon as you’re showing symptoms of a hormonal imbalance. 

A few symptoms to look for include:

  • Fatigue
  • Decreased Libido (interest in sex)
  • Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
  • Weight Loss/Gain
  • Loss of Muscle Mass
  • Signs of Anxiety/Depression
  • Hair Loss
  • Mental Fog

Causes of Low Testosterone

You might be wondering, “Why do I have Low-T? What caused this?” Causes of Low-T can vary from person-to-person and include many factors. 

Some reasons you’re struggling with Low Testosterone can be due to:

  • Testicular Injury/Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Aging 
  • Side effects from certain medications (e.g. radiation and/or chemotherapy)
  • Problems with the glands in the brain that control hormone production (hypothalamus and pituitary)
  • Obesity
  • Low thyroid function (or thyroid disorders)
  • Chronic diseases or other disorders

Treatment Options

Although there is no cure for Low Testosterone, there are several treatment options available. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is the treatment for Hypogonadism. There are many treatment options for Low-T including patches, supplements, and creams, but the most effective by far are injections.

The two most common and effective types of TRT are:

  • Testosterone Cypionate Injections (an injectable form of testosterone)
  • Topical Testosterone Cypionate (a testosterone topical gel)

Treatment will normalize testosterone levels within a few short weeks. TRT requires a long-term plan as it is ongoing. If you stop treatment, your body will revert back to producing previous levels or to what your body is capable of producing at that point in time. With treatment, patients can expect to start feeling a decrease in fatigue, improved mental clarity, heightened endurance, and so many more positive effects.

Think you may have Low-T? Contact us to get a consultation scheduled. A simple blood test is all it takes to diagnose, with results in just 15 minutes. In your first appointment, you will receive a testosterone test along with a thorough and complete consultation so you can see if TRT is right for you! Our medical professionals can help you decide which testosterone therapy is the best fit for you. If you want more information on Low Testosterone, click here.

At Men’s Total Health, we are committed to diagnosing and treating this common condition. We want to improve your quality of life and get you back to feeling like yourself again so contact us today!

