PRP Hair Restoration Treatment: We’ve Got The Fix To Grow Your Own Hair


Now, What Is It and How Does It Work?

Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP, is going to be your unexpected new best friend when it comes to achieving positive hair growth results.

But as with all new relationships, patience, and consistency are key.

As you may have noticed, we use PRP for many things at Men’s Total Health. There’s a reason. It works for multiple applications and we like things that work well for our clients.


What is it? How does it work?

You’re probably eager to know how the PRP treatment for hair restoration works. So let’s get into it; because it’s a lot safer and easier than you may think. In fact, all the procedure really takes is using your own blood…because that’s where you’ll find the platelet-rich plasma. First, we’ll draw your blood; usually from your arm. Then we’ll put the tube of blood into a centrifuge machine. The machine will perform a high-speed spinning function, and separate the plasma from your red blood cells. After we’ve got your rich plasma separated, we’ll take it and inject it back into you, or more specifically, into your scalp. Your PRP contains very rich growth factors that will go into reparative mode once injected. As we said, it’s a super easy and safe process. With this procedure, there is no surgery or harsh chemicals involved; just a simple injection that uses your own body’s natural healing powers.


Is the procedure right for me?

Anyone experiencing hair loss is a great candidate for this procedure, but especially those in the early stages of hair loss. With patience and consistency, you will be on your way to achieving thicker and denser hair. Hair loss patches will begin to fill in, and if you’re dealing with a receding hairline, you’ll notice it reversing. Most importantly, your self-confidence will gradually increase. Patients suffering from androgenic alopecia, or male/female pattern baldness, have seen positive growth results over time. After the procedure, you’ll just need to avoid harsh hair treatments for a few days, this includes blow drying, hair coloring, or vigorous scrubbing.


How many procedures will I need? When will I notice the results?

We know, we mention patience and consistency a lot, but you’re probably wanting to talk numbers right about now. ‘How many treatments will I need?’ or ‘How long will it take to see results?’ are the typical questions patients will ask, and well, there is no precise number we can tell you. It all depends on your very own hair struggles and the extent of your hair loss. We will start out with a general regimen such as a once-a-month injection for the first three to four months. After that, we’ll create a more personalized plan depending on an individual’s response and results, which we will note and document. Typically, patients will come in for a maintenance treatment every three to six months once the growth gets rolling.

We haven’t hidden just how important patience is in this procedure. We stress this because hair and nails are slow-growing aspects of the human body and you need to appreciate that this is literally a marathon and not a sprint. Once you can conquer the patience aspect, you’ll see just how worth it the procedure truly is. Patients usually see their first results within two to three months, such as decreased hair shedding. After that, the first signs of growth will become more noticeable and your hair will thicken. In a 2017 published study, 50 men with androgenic alopecia enrolled in a trial to prove or disprove the efficacy of PRP treatments. On the left side of their scalps, they were given a PRP injection. On the right side, they were only injected with saline. The results show that the hair on the left side became thicker and new hair started growing.


How do I start this journey?

When you start your hair restoration journey with Men’s Total Health, you’ll find that we are fully committed to helping you with your overall health and well-being. Through our PRP hair treatments, we give men the opportunity to feel better, look better, and improve their overall quality of life. Come see for yourself the difference individual care can make for you by scheduling an appointment or enrolling as a new patient today.

If you have any questions, just let us know and we will be happy to address any issues you may have or questions. Also, the pharmaceutical products on the market that focus on hair growth do have side effects that can impact you in other ways. Some are even linked to hindering performance in the bedroom, which we know you don’t want. This is using your own body to fix the problem at hand.

