Is the P-Shot Right for You? 

The P-Shot promo graphic of couple laying on a bed

We give you all the details that you need to know.

Let’s start with the basics.  As we go along, we’ll do our best to make this simple and explain the process and why we do what we do.  In short, we are making our clients feel confident and young again.  All over, especially downtown, because as we age and may need to get in better shape we need a little help getting everything to function properly.  And as always, if you have questions, call us as we are happy to walk you through anything you may need to know.

First: What is the PRP Injection or The Priapus Shot® Procedure?

PRP stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) and is also called the Priapus Shot Procedure aka P-Shot.  It is an injection for men who are looking for a long-term solution to Erectile Dysfunction.

For more detail, Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and Peyronie’s Disease (PD) are both debilitating medical conditions that can drastically affect one’s life. At Men’s Total Health, it is our job to make sure you feel 100% and provide results that truly make a difference in your personal life.

Second: Who should get the P-Shot?

A variety of men get the P-Shot.  First and foremost, the P-Shot takes care of men that are having trouble in the bedroom with ED.  The P-Shot reverses ED without medication and the potential side effects that may come with medication.  Next, the P-Shot also is for cases where people want to ensure that they are operating at 100% and bringing that youth and vitality back.  The P-Shot provides better enhancement, sensitivity, and performance, which is what sets it apart from other treatments on the market.

Third: What Will the Shot Do?

The Priapus Shot (P-Shot) increases strength, hardness, and straightness of the penis; improves sexual performance, increases pleasure due to restored feeling and sensation; and increases the potential size of the penis due to increased blood circulation. After receiving the shot our patients leave feeling as if they are in their 20s again!  This is what is so important that we can’t stress it enough.  Our clients literally tell us that they perform better and their libido is stronger than when they were much, much younger.

Finally: Is the Procedure Painful?  What can I expect?

No. Not really. We provide numbing injections to prepare you for the P-Shot, which will deaden any pain that you would feel. Once those take effect, we give you the P-Shot and you likely will not even feel a thing. To the “Not Really” part, some of our clients report that they feel pressure during the shot, but it is not a painful procedure. Kind of like going to the dentist and getting numb before you have a cavity filled. You just know something is happening.

You can also feel rest assured that we have been doing this a long, long time and have literally done this for thousands of men.  This is an area where you don’t want someone doing this for the first time.  We have all heard the story that you don’t want a doctor operating on your brain who has never done it before.  Well, this is the same thing.  We know what we are doing and take pride in the fact that this is our specialty.

A Little More About PRP

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections have been gaining popularity over the past years, although they have been around for about 25 years. PRP has found its use in treating different conditions and diseases because concentrated plasma consists of many growth factors. It is in the category of regenerative autologous treatments, meaning that it comes from your blood and can stimulate cellular regeneration and tissue repair.

There are many applications for PRP, and at Total Men’s Health we offer; the P-Shot, Scalp PRP Treatment, the Orchid Shot (O-Shot), and a micro-needling procedure. It is also used in our scalp treatment to help with hair loss in men or women.

To learn more, check out our video:

Will the P-Shot Work for Me?

We are so confident in this procedure that we guarantee that we will be with you in the event that you have any trouble.  No one ever comes back for seconds, but we are here in case they do.  Our lawyers would kill us if we didn’t say never.  We ask that our patients stay in touch because we want to know what more we can do to help.

When you’re ready, call us or schedule your FREE CONSULTATION, by clicking here, which takes you to our New Patient Consultation form on our website.  While you’re there, click around and check out more about who we are and what we do.

In future blogs, we will get into some of the reasons why we do what we do and recommend PRP vs. other treatments.  For example, Viagra has lots of side effects and introduces substances to the body that aren’t natural. The P-Shot consists of your own plasma, nothing else.  Shock treatment is also available, but who wants to be shocked in that area 3-4 times per visit, every 3-4 months?  We’re one and done… and the results last a year.

